HIPAA Security Awareness: Remote Workspaces

Hours. HIPAA-Related Security Awareness Training. Non-CE Course.

Presented By: Evan Dumas, MA

Course Description

In this age of telecommuting, most of us want the option to work from home, be it have sessions via telehealth or just checking our work email. Thankfully modern tech is capable of providing the same level of security you enjoy at the office in the comfort of your own home or personal office.

This Security Awareness course for group practice/agency staff members will cover the essentials of how to set up a secure remote workspace.

This is not a continuing education course

Educational Objectives

  • Describe basic home office issues when setting up a remote workspace
  • Use PCT’s Remote Workspace Center to document securing your workspace
  • Protect your personal network by making changes to your router


  • Basic Home Office Issues
  • Remote Office Checklist Help
  • Establishing a New Space
  • Relevant HIPAA Privacy and Security Standards
  • What WiFi to Use?
    • VPN Notes
  • Internet Connections and Standard of Care
  • Monitor Considerations
  • Manage Your Soundscape
  • Eliminate Visual Distractions


None for this course

When you have Group Practice Care Premium, this course is assignable to your team members at no additional cost. Learn more here.

Presented/Developed By


Evan Dumas, MA, wears a lot of hats. With a masters degree in mental health counseling, a background in tech support, and a dabbling in moustache wax, zine making, and neuroscience he’s perfectly at home helping clinicians and groups of all sizes cope with the intricacies of HIPAA and Telehealth. You’ll often find him laughing along the way, to bring some lightness to the heavy stuff.

Program Notices

Accuracy, Utility, and Risks Statement: This program discusses strategies for complying with HIPAA, state rules in general, and professional ethics codes. It may not include information on all applicable state laws. Misapplication of the materials, or errors in the materials, could result in security problems, data breaches, or non-compliance with applicable laws or ethics codes.

Conflicts of Interest: None noted.

Commercial Support: None.

This course is subject to our cancellation/refund policy and complaint policy.

When you have Group Practice Care Premium, this course is assignable to your team members at no additional cost. Learn more here.

Hours. HIPAA-Related Security Awareness Training. Non-CE Course.

This is not a continuing education course

When you have Group Practice Care Premium, this course is assignable to your team members at no additional cost. Learn more here.

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