Performing HIPAA-Compliant Analysis: A Guided How-To for Mental Health Professionals

Roy's FaceOn Thursday, January 25th at 10:00AM Pacific / 1:00PM Eastern join us online for the free event of the century! Mysteries will be revealed. Minds will be blown. The force will prevail and bring peace to the galaxy. Or, at the very least, you will learn something valuable and highly relevant to your job as a mental health professional that you can put into practice right away.

HIPAA standards dictate that mental health professionals perform a risk analysis as part of achieving and maintaining compliance, but have you ever wondered how to actually do it? In this one-hour live CE opportunity, you’ll learn from an expert in the field how to do just that. Roy Huggins, LPC, NCC, of Person Centered Tech is hosting an open Office Hours session specifically geared towards members and the public. All attendees will earn one CE hour approved by APA and NBCC. (Only Person Centered Tech members will have access to the support materials from the session and to the recording for future playback.) Register Here.

This offering is part of a new program — known as “CE for Office Hours,” or “CE for OH” for short — brought to you by your friends at Person Centered Tech. We designed “CE for OH” as a means of meeting members’ needs for up-to-date information about digital ethics, HIPAA, and technology. Oh, and did we also mention that it will help meet your needs for CEs that are fresh and synchronous? Person Centered Tech members will have access to over 10 hours of new continuing education per year — in addition to the already included 8 hours of core CE courses — put out in bite-size chunks in an easy-to-understand format that’s just like visiting Roy for Office Hours. And, the topics of “CE for Office Hours” sessions are determined by what Person Centered Tech members want to have covered, so it really is like having an expert at your fingertips.

Person Centered Tech offers you CEs with depth, not just a cursory overview, and membership includes access to many other benefits in addition to 10+ hours of new CEs each year. The best thing is that from now through the end of the month, you can get 20% off the regular price of a Person Centered Tech membership.

So join us on January 25th for a live session about how to perform a risk analysis. Your free CE is waiting, and you’ll also get a taste of what being a Person Centered Tech member is all about!

P.S. If you’d like to speak to someone before taking advantage of our 20% off sale, email us at [email protected] and we’ll be glad to talk about membership and how it might benefit you.

Vital Details

January 25th

10:00AM Pacific
11:00AM Mountain
12:00PM Central
1:00PM Eastern

Attendees who attend for at least 55 minutes of the live 1 hr. presentation will receive 1 hour of CE credit after successful completion of a short post-test.

Registrants will be automatically subscribed to the Person Centered Tech newsletter


Scheduled Maintenance

We will be temporarily taking the website offline at 10:00 PM Pacific (1:00 AM Eastern) tonight, July 6, in order to make some improvements. We plan to be back online by midnight Pacific (3:00 AM Eastern). We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Dismiss