Avoidance. We can be pretty good at it.

But, we know that avoiding discomfort isn’t always a healthy way to cope with difficult topics.

That’s why transition planning and contingency planning are so important– and are an important part of the PCT way. Getting things in order can be a gift not just to ourselves, but a way to take care of all those who we care about. 

This face-forward approach is honest and impactful. It frees us up to be present and to roll with all that life has to offer.

Is there a better gift?

Before Roy, the subject of HIPAA was rife with fear and avoidance for providers and group practice owners – and multiple failed attempts to make progress piled high – forever on the “To Do” list – but never getting To-Done – the HIPAA-can was continually kicked down the road – because we couldn’t understand all the rules – and our fear shut down our frontal lobes. The only thing that seemed to help occasionally was a big glass of wine.

But then there was Roy – full of life and laughter and corny jokes – a brilliant mind who knew this HIPAA stuff like no other – with a huge heart of grace for those of us who had long been struggling to slay the HIPAA dragon – with a blazing passion to make each of our HIPAA journeys approachable – accessible – and, dare I even say FUN and ENGAGING?

Roy Huggins was all about doing what we can to protect our clients and reduce our risks of HIPAA breaches – to navigate the complex HIPAA-world – with a compassionate, thoughtful, step-by-step approach with all the encouragement we needed along the way.

So – I’m pretty confident that Roy would also enthusiastically support doing all we can to take care of our businesses – and those we care about most– by preparing what would be needed in the event of our death.
Here’s to you, Roy, for providing me a masterful example of taking on a tough subject that nobody really wants to talk about – and getting people talking – and taking action. You continue to be a powerful inspiration for me – and for all of us.

— Ken Urie, MA LMHC


We had two presentations on emergency and contingency planning to help us all cope with the loss of Roy Huggins, and the reminder of our own mortality.

The self studies are now available. We had such wonderful, supportive feedback and want to make sure that everyone who wants access to these presentations can easily access them.

Preparing For The Worst – A Professional Will Is Not Enough
Ensuring Continuity of Care In Event of Retirement, Death, or Disability

Join transition planning experts, Rob Reinhardt, LCMHCS & Nancy Wheeler, JD as they discuss big changes like retirement, disability, and death and how to prepare for the worst.

“A professional will is not enough”

2 Legal Ethical CE Credit Hours

Get Access to On-Demand Self Study


Plus: A New Self Study for Group Practice Leaders


What Happens When We Die?
How to Prepare for Group Practice Afterlife

Join expert Ken Urie LMHC as he discusses creating a durable plan that will outlive you and help set your practice up for success with, or without you, as a way to care for all who depend on you.

Get Access to On-Demand Self Study


Additional resources and supports

Podcast: Group Practice Tech

LISTEN: Episode 204: [Protecting your Practice] How to Know What You Don’t Know, with Guests Daniel Mayer and Melissa Wesner

In this podcast episode, Roy and Liath talk about protecting your practice with Daniel Mayer and Melissa Wesner.

We discuss the lack of legal resources for group practice owners, how Dan and Melissa started their podcast, what they don’t teach you in grad school, the importance of knowing what you don’t know, getting solid sources of information, spending money where it’s important, asking for help when you don’t understand something, knowing yourself, going from therapist to CEO, private practice mindset, protecting your clients and peace of mind when you protect your practice, delegating risk management, the responsibility of compliance, returning after covid, technological progress, masking + vaccination status, and the future of telehealth.

Step 3: Device Security

Vulnerability is for your clients. Not your devices.

  • Access to instructional videos with step-by-step instructions to secure all popular makes and models of smartphones, tablets, external drives, and laptops.
  • Get the hardest part of security and HIPAA compliance done with minimal drama.
  • The Device Security Center makes it super simple to secure smartphones, computers, tablets, external hard drives, etc.

For Solo Practitioners:

Solo Practitioners with Solo Practice Care Premium can secure all their devices!

First time:
Use the Device Security Center to ensure all devices are hardened.

Optionally, take the device security CE course (1 hour, included w/ Solo Practice Care) to help orient you.

Ongoing: Use the Device Security Center to harden devices as they are acquired for use in the practice.
If you start the process at this step: Some clinicians may be excited to get their practice devices secured. It is perfectly fine to start here so they can fill that need immediately. Such clinicians should go to Step 1 when they feel ready for it.

Get Device Security for Solo Practitioners

For Group Practice Leaders:

With Group Practice Care Premium, Leadership can assign staff to register and easily secure their personally-owned devices

First time:

  1. Leader watches orientation presentation. This orientation process provides template language to help you get your team ready to harden their devices.
  2. Leader uses Device Security Center to harden practice devices.
  3. Leader assigns BYOD course and BYOD hardening to all team members via the team training tracking system.

Ongoing: Assign BYOD course and hardening task as part of staff onboarding. Leaders use Device Security Center to keep practice devices hardened. All team members use Device Security Center to maintain BYOD.

If you start the process at this step: Some group leaders may feel anxious to secure their practice’s devices and get their team members to secure their personally-owned devices. In such a situation, it is perfectly fine to start here (or to start with Steps 2 and 3 simultaneously.) Such leaders should return to Step 1 when they are ready.

Get Device Security for Group Practices

We hope this information is abundantly helpful and supportive! It is a privilege to work in support of you and your practice.

Enjoy in Good Health!

Learn more about the topics discussed in this article:


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We will be temporarily taking the website offline at 10:00 PM Pacific (1:00 AM Eastern) tonight, July 6, in order to make some improvements. We plan to be back online by midnight Pacific (3:00 AM Eastern). We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Dismiss