Congratulations on your completed project plan!

You did it and that deserves congratulations.

Go you! You have a fully operational security compliance program in your practice!

Let’s keep your hard work maintained and up to date with support and resources from PCT

Here’s your ongoing needs:

Your system is set up! Let’s shift into maintenance mode. Here’s a few things you may need moving forward:

CE training for new hires

Relevant, Engaging, and Practical Role-based Training

Quality presentations that keep you engaged and learning! See our CE and Services for a full list of available trainings.  (and remember: if you are a subscriber of Group Practice Care Premium/Annual then you get 25% of recommended training

Ask your questions

Consultations are available through Group Practice Office Hours. We are here to help you navigate and grow through the future. Group Practice Care Premium.

Device security for practice owned and BYOD for new devices

You’ve done the hardest part of implementing a security program. Now let it run itself! Use our BYOD device security tools to onboard and offboard your team’s devices and train folks on best practices. See More Here.

Ongoing Topical Trainings to Refine and Deepen Clinician Skills

Meet needs for the identified needs and emergent issues with effective, depthful training.

Our quality presentations keep you engaged and learning! See our CE and Services for a full list of available trainings.  (and remember: if you are a subscriber of Group Practice Care Premium/Annual then you get 25% of recommended training


Shift into maintainence mode with Group Practice Care Premium 


Have Support All Year Long and Stay Informed on Emergent Situations

Support in refining and optimizing your practice processes

Group Practice Care

Get started with Group Practice Care for free! Upgrade anytime.

Includes these two popular features:

group practice office hours

Weekly Consultation Support

With Group Practice Care Premium, you get access to PCT experts every week to ask your questions and get consultative advice for whatever you need. Watch how it works here. 

Woman sitting and smiling while surrounded by peacefully floating tech items

Device Security Center

With Group Practice Care Premium, you get access to the Group Practice Device Security Center. 


Scheduled Maintenance

We will be temporarily taking the website offline at 10:00 PM Pacific (1:00 AM Eastern) tonight, July 6, in order to make some improvements. We plan to be back online by midnight Pacific (3:00 AM Eastern). We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Dismiss