Group Practice Office Hours

On Demand Streaming Consultation Sessions

HIPAA and Teletherapy Support for Mental Health Professionals and Practicing Clinicians in leadership within Group Practices and Agencies. Rather see Office Hours for Solo Practioners?

Get a taste of how Group Practice Office Hours can help your practice. These are real questions from real group practice leaders:

Should I keep couple therapy notes in three different silos?

Answering the Question: Let’s imagine I’m seeing a couple. [Go ahead, I’ll wait.] Ok, now let’s say I see each of them separately, as many therapists have the custom to do. Should I keep notes in three different silos – couple’s notes, Bob’s notes, and Mary’s notes? (In this example, Bob and Mary are the members of the couple. You probably figured that out.) As opposed to having one folder or document where I keep all the notes and mark some as both, some as Bob, and some as Mary? Because ostensibly Mary should be able to get the records for her individual visits without Bob’s approval, and he should not be able to see them at all without a release from her. Right?

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How We Need to Give Clients Access to Their Records, Now and in the Future

CE Credit Hours Events

Couples, Minors, Insurance Billing, and Legal Rights of Access to Records

Unravelling the complexities of who has access to what records and how to inform clients of these rights. 

Plus: How to reconcile the medical model with family systems models for providing care so as to ensure that couples and family therapy provided within the context of managed care remains legal and ethical

Do I need a BAA with our accountant, or is a confidentiality agreement ok?

Answering the Question: Our accountant is sometimes accidentally exposed to PHI that didn’t get removed from documents I send them (over encrypted email). Do I need a BAA with them, or is a confidentiality agreement ok? They’re not explicitly handling PHI on our behalf, only incidental contact.

Can we talk about the Psychology Today issue?

Be sure to check out this resource: 

protecting clinical boundaries

Protecting Clinical Boundaries and Your Practice on Social Media, an Ethical Approach

Join us as highly lauded social media ethics expert, Dr. Keely Kolmes, teaches about maintaining ethical professional boundaries in the highly porous world of social media.

2 legal ethical CE credit hours

Is there a benefit to having an ONC-EHR?

Answering the Question: We are considering changing from one EHR to another. Is there a benefit to having an ONC-EHR? For example, we are looking at Simple Practice but they are not an ONC-EHR. Will there be a movement to require groups to have an ONC-EHR?

Be sure to check out this resource: 

the open notes rule and your ehr

The “Open Notes” Rule and Your EHR Choice: Legal Compliance and Client Safety Now and in The Future

Listen to a wealth of experts in security, digital ethics and EHR platforms in order to answer the question on every practice owner’s mind:

“Should I switch our EHR system?”

2 legal ethical CE credit hours

How important is Google Data Loss Prevention to our HIPAA security?

Answering the Question: How important is Google Data Loss Prevention to our HIPAA security? We currently have the Google Business Plus level of service which provides us the minimal services necessary. To add this DLP feature it would hypothetically double our Google Workspace cost. Is it worth the investment?

Be sure to check out this resource: 

the open notes rule and your ehr

Designing a Group Practice’s Tech Setup for Success: Effectiveness, HIPAA Compliance, Client Safety, and Efficiency

Join Roy Huggins, LPC NCC and Liath Dalton as they discuss how to select a great set of technical tools and service to help your group practice thrive.

1 legal-ethical CE credit hour plus 45 minute workshop

Can/should member clinicians use forms that have the main group’s logo/branding?

Answering the Question:

I am structuring my group practice using PCT’s recommended reverse contractor model and I am wondering what you’re experience is as PCT and your thoughts on whether the member clinicians’ practices should have their own names (guessing they’ll do since they have their own LLCs), and if so how we can brand and share a website together without creating confusion.

Would it work to put their names and pictures in a “Clinicians” section and then when you click on someone you go to a section that has information about their specific practice?

Can/should member clinicians use forms that have the main group’s logo/branding? or should their own forms have their own branding? They will have their own silo-ed EHR access and their own state-specific, tailored-to-them forms, even though I’ll be providing sample forms as a starting point.

Be sure to check out this resource: 

clinical staff training in a group practice

Privacy Ethics and HIPAA Fundamentals for Mental Health Professionals in the Agency or Group Practice Context

Mental health clinicians working in a group practice or agency context have a variety of security and privacy concerns to be aware of. They need to ensure that their behaviors maintain the practice’s HIPAA compliance as well as ensuring that they, themselves, act in accordance with the ethical standards of their own professions.

This introductory-level course is for counselors, clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists, and clinical and counseling psychologists working as staff in a group practice or agency context. It will cover fundamental security and privacy standards defined in HIPAA and contextualized for the group practice/agency setting. Those organizational security and privacy concepts will also be compared and contrasted with professional mental/behavioral health ethics in order to ensure that learners understand the security and privacy standards relevant to their work.

2 legal-ethical CE credit hours

What program do you recommend for HIPAA-compliant share drives for employees?

Answering the Question: Shared Drives: We use Hushmail as our encrypted email in our group practice. We are just starting with Therapy Notes as a practice management software. I would like to add some kind of shared drive for employees to access – it would need to be HIPAA compliant as it may contain PHI, ie triage forms of calls that come in and tracking those calls; tracking sessions for shared clients (one provider sees individual, the other provider sees couple) on a shared auth, etc. Are there any programs that would work best or integrate into what we already use or are there components of what we already use that can be used as a shared drive?

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How We Need to Give Clients Access to Their Records, Now and in the Future

CE Credit Hours Events

Smooth and Secure Use of Phone, Text, Email, and Video to Meet Modern Clients Where They Are: Legal-Ethical and Real-World Considerations

Therapists then find themselves having to balance client-centered approaches to connecting with clients vs. making those connections secure, legal, and ethical.

Join Roy Huggins, LPC NCC and Liath Dalton as they discuss the legal-ethical considerations of modern communication channels and context of real world practice and client needs.

group practice office hours

Get expert answers for your tech questions live and up-to-date with access to Group Practice Office Hours sessions


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